Cooper Law Offices PLLC

 Serving West Virginia Statewide - CLM Member
Claims Pages Service Provider Since 4/3/2017
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Located in the heart of West Virginia, we provide legal counsel, advice, and guidance for individual and business clients throughout the state. Our lawyers and staff are dedicated to providing quality work, thoughtful service, and a unique level of personal attention.

We think that it is essential to get to know our clients on a personal level because we know that every one of our clients has unique goals and interests. Legal services are not “one size fits all,” and we want to get to know you so that we can navigate your legal concerns in a way that works best for you. Whether the path requires claim handling, negotiation, investigation, comprehensive legal analysis, a courtroom battle, or some combination of those skills, we have the knowledge and experience to plan the path and help you through it.


Personal Injury, Vehicle Accidents and Death Cases
Commercial Litigation
Construction and Property Litigation
Insurance Matters
Professional Liability

Serving West Virginia Statewide - CLM Member