A collection of workers' compensation forms which are authorized to be used in the state of Illinois.
  PDF (0KB) Workers' Compensation Forms Property & Casualty

Auto Examiner or Adjuster's vehicle inspection report form.
  PDF (22KB) Auto Forms Property & Casualty

A subrogation receipt is signed by the insured upon payment of a claim, and assigns the insurer to the right to recovery for the loss.
  PDF (28KB) Auto Liability Ocean Marine Property Forms Property & Casualty

The personal property summary itemizes rooms and areas in a house, with columns to calculate repair cost, actual cash value and replacement cost.
  PDF (79KB) Property Forms Property & Casualty

Agreement and authorization between insured and automotive shop to repair a damaged vehicle within the estimated dollar amount.
  PDF (15KB) Auto Forms Property & Casualty

A collection of workers' compensation forms which are authorized to be used in the state of Rhode Island.
  PDF (0KB) Workers' Compensation Forms Property & Casualty

A full release and indemnity agreement which is signed by claimants and releases insurer from bodily injury and property damage liability which arose out of an accident, casualty or event. The release form identifies all parties to a claim, states the date and location of the event, and details the terms of settlement of a claim. The release contains a statement that, as a condition of the settlement, prevents any further claim or legal action against the insurer, or any other parties, for the event, and against the release.
  PDF (95KB) Liability Spanish Forms Property & Casualty

The inland marine notice of loss form describes the circumstances and amount of loss, and is prepared by an adjuster and presented to the insurer.
  PDF (25KB) Property Forms Property & Casualty

This form is used to verify wage and salary information of a person who has applied for personl injury protection (PIP) benefits after an automobile accident.
  PDF (33KB) Liability Forms Property & Casualty

A collection of workers' compensation forms which are authorized to be used in the state of Arkansas.
  PDF (0KB) Workers' Compensation Forms Property & Casualty

A release form signed by an insured when making an uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist claim involving property damage.
  PDF (75KB) Liability Property Spanish Subrogation Forms Property & Casualty

Thus is an agreement by an injured party to not pursue a lawsuit against another party in exchange for a settlement.
  PDF (40KB) Liability Spanish Forms Property & Casualty

A collection of workers' compensation forms which are authorized to be used in the state of Tennessee.
  PDF (0KB) Workers' Compensation Forms Property & Casualty

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